
Upcoming CTRE: 21st September 2012

Dear Members, Pease find the attached photo, two CTRE programmed for your kind perusal and action. For Sabah Guides based at Sandakan, please be informed that the 2 CTREs in Sandakan scheduled on 28th AUGUST,…

Notis Mesyuarat Agung Permulaan Koperasi

NOTIS MESYUARAT AGUNG PERMULAAN KOPERASI PEMANDU PELANCONG SABAH BERHAD (DALAM PENUBUHAN) Adalah dimaklumkan bahawa Koperasi Pemandu Pelancong Sabah Berhad (Dalam Penubuhan) Akan mengadakan Mesyuarat Agung Permulaan seperti Berikut: Tarikh​​: 12hb Ogos 2012 Masa​​: 7.00 pm…

TG Obituary

Dear Members/ friends, Pease be inform that our friend and member of STGA Mr Stewart Chong Chung Siong , TG4690 have passed away. If you wish to know more details and pay your respect to…

Volunteers Needed

As part of our support and contribution to our society, every year STGA Member assist on the organizing of CPS Blood Donation Campaign. Its time have volunteers either to donate blood or to assist with…

Orientation Night for New Member

Dear Aspiring STGA New Member, Congratulation for passing the Tourist Guide Course. Please be informed that you are required to join the ORIENTATION NITE before you are accepted as members with Sabah Tourist Guide Association.…